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Your own potato chips



I like good old fashioned salt...but I use sea salt. Now, I do love salt & vinegar chips, but not so much when I fry them up myself. It turns out pretty nasty tasting actually. I would stick to dried seasonings.


The taste is form the seasoning you use after you pull the chips out of the grease. i would recommend blanching them first for a minute or two prior to frying the chips. It will help the thin slices of potato crisp up nicely. If you season them right of the fryer, the seasoning will stick to the chips better.

We never buy potato chips anymore, we always make them at home. This way we can make one big batch, and have a different flavor for all the kids! (We have 6 kids, so it is impossible to get everyone in the house to eat the same thing at the same time)


I made these for years when I worked at a pizza joint that sold them. The trick to keeping them from getting too brown before they are cooked is to soak them and rinse them out several times before you cook them to draw out the excess starch. We would prep large barrels of these in the morning and fill them with water and let them sit for about an hour, then drain them and fill them with more water. You need to do it at least once, even better if you have the time to do it twice. You can always slice them up ahead of time and leave them in a container of water in the fridge till you're ready to cook them.


It depends; do you want to make it the healthy or unhealthy way? If you are looking to make them the healthy way they will taste more like sweet potato chips. What I do is take my dehydrator and slice them extremely thin, add some salt and pepper to them, and let them sit in my dehydrator for a while.
If I am in the mood for something fried, which I usually make with fish fries, etc. I will make deep fried chips. I personally like spicy so after I cut up my potatoes thin, I will add some slices of jalapenos. After my chips are done I will put everything in a bag and add salt and pepper and mix it up really good. You can also buy special seasonings that are usually for popcorn, but taste great on these chips as well. Flavored cheese and ranch is a hit in my house.
I have a pampered chef slicer that can slice my potatoes super thing so I don't have to do it with a knife. It is extremely helpful and goes really quick!


I prefer potato chips without salt or vinegar, instead I use a pinch of salt free herbal seasoning to add flavor.